
I have always loved the taking of photos. My grandfather was a keen amateur photographer and I have ‘interesting’ photos of my grandmother in ‘interesting’ poses not often photographed in the 1930’s. Mum archived our family and has a rich tapestry of photographs of us growing up. These albums are some of my most treasured possessions.

The house is littered with old cameras not often used as the next upgrade happens. I used to be able to give them to relatives but now they are happy with the cellphones. I worry now that I have not printed any photos for the last few years and this is another challenge to print them and scrapbook them now that the cost of printing is a little less than it has been.

A few years ago I was an active member of the local camera club but they were too into judging and competitions for my taste and ability. This avenue for my creative flow is a great one. I will have a supportive group of like minded friends who can help, reflect and inspire but not judge.

So this is blog number six!

Enough to be going on with…

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